Iowa Congolese Organization and Center for Healing
Shirika la wa kongomani wa Iowa na kituo cha uponyaji
Umuryango w’abakongomani n’ikibanza co gukiriramo
Translation & Interpretation Services
The Iowa Congolese Organization and Center has been a leader in providing interpretation and translation services in Iowa for more than 5 years. With more than 22 interpreters and translators fluent in over 6 languages and dialects, we help medical clinics, government agencies, schools, non-profit organizations, businesses and individuals overcome language barriers so that non-English speaker individuals can receive essential care, training and services.
Swahili Kinyamulenge Kirundi Kinyarwanda French Lingala Kibembe
Please read about our services below, or click here for a complete listing.
Contact Boaz Nkingi, ICOACH Language Line Specialist, at 515-505-9109
Are you looking for assistance in converting a written or printed document in another language into English, or from English into another language?
Iowa Congolese Organization and Center for Healing frequently translate documents such as:
Birth/marriage certificates and other legal documents
Brochures, fliers and corporate marketing materials
School diplomas/transcripts
Business correspondence and application forms for various services
Human Resource and Employee Training manuals
If you need help communicating with a limited English speaker either in person at an appointment or by phone, the Iowa Congolese Organization and Center for Healing can help.
Our interpreters regularly interpret at the following types of appointments within a 20-mile radius of the Des Moines metro area:
Medical appointments and procedures
Parent-teacher meetings and conferences
Social service appointments
Employee meetings and training
Immigration interviews
Business meetings
Court hearings, depositions, and other legal meetings
Translation Costs
Costs for translation vary based on the characteristics of each document, including word count, language, technicality of terms and formatting required. In order to provide you with a cost estimate, we will first need to review the material to be translated. Once we receive your document(s), we will review them, prepare a cost and timing estimate and obtain your approval before proceeding with the translation.
Interpretation Costs
The hourly interpretation fee for most appointments is $50-$65, depending upon language. A minimum one hour charge applies for all appointments. After the first hour, time is billed in quarter hours. There is no charge for travel time for appointments occurring within the Des Moines metro area. For assignments outside the Des Moines area, travel charges apply. Please contact the Iowa Congolese Organization and Center for Healing for details.
Request A Translation
In order to request a translation please send us a clear copy of the original document(s)
along with your name, phone number, and/or email address.
Request An Interpreter
In order to request an interpreter please call ICOACH or Email us with the details of your appointment: Requester Name, Requester Phone, Requester Email, Language Requested, Date of Appointment, Anticipated Start time of Appointment, Anticipated End Time of Appointment, Appointment Address (Including Apt or Suite # if applicable), Non-English Speaker’s Phone Number (if you would like a reminder call in the requested language for the appointment), Provider Name (Pharmacist, doctor, attorney, judge, etc. who will be facilitating the appointment), Topic to be discussed during appointment, Other Information we need to know